We are so glad you are interested in teacher training!
We would love to meet you and answer your questions!
Please call us at 865-288-3562 to discuss the program.
Weekend 1
History of Yoga
Yoga Ethics
Meditation & Breath Intro
Forward Fold Poses
Weekend 2
Origin of Yoga & Yoga Sutras
Extension Poses
Pre & Post Natel Yoga
Weekend 3
Lateral Poses
Intro to Meditation
Importance of Sound
Weekend 4
Anatomy & Physiology
Joint Movement
Yoga for Injuries
Senior Yoga
Weekend 5
Chakras & Nadis
Backbend Poses
Tea Party!
Weekend 6
Yoga for Injuries & Prevention
Teaching Breath Work
Twisting Poses
Student Teaching
Weekend 7
Karma & Dharma
Bhagavad Gita
Weekend 8
Yin & Restorative
Vinyasa Flow & Sequencing
Curvy Yoga
Arm Balances
Weekend 9
Subtle Energy
Intro to Ayurveda
Ayurveda Tasting
Weekend 10
The Business of Yoga
Teaching Presentation
Outreach Presentation
Graduation Party!
Please note:
Syllabus is subject to change.
Additional information may be presented that is not referenced on this list.
Syllabus & Program is approved by the Yoga Alliance.
Participation in this program does not ensure a teaching position at Blue Ridge Yoga.
“...the variety of teachers who are instructing us and the quality of instruction we receive is unparalleled. From the history of yoga and its philosophy, to anatomy, to sequencing a class, to the community support aspect of yoga, the Blue Ridge Yoga Teacher Training program offers so much for the student. Whether you are looking to deepen your own practice or teach yoga yourself, I highly and lovingly recommend this program!”