Specialties: Reiki Healing

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Linda offers two energy-healing modalities: Reiki and Tuning Forks. You may choose to experience one or both of these during your session. Reiki is a Japanese spiritual energy practice. When used in wellness sessions, it involves the practitioner and client co-creating a relaxing space that allows the body’s energy to move freely in order to promote the healing process.

Tuning forks use the vibrations and frequencies of sound to help release pockets of energies that may have been holding on and impacting one’s daily life since birth.

Linda offers these modalities for both people and animals. In 2010 her beloved dog, Mocha, was experiencing health issues, and Linda was seeking alternative therapies that could possibly help. Through a series of synchronicities, she was led to study with a local Reiki/Animal Reiki practitioner/teacher, who also happened to be her husband’s Nurse Practitioner. Linda worked with that teacher for her first two levels of training.

In order to also be considered a “teacher”, Linda has repeatedly taken the level III classwork with internationally renowned teacher Frans Stiene. The traditional method she practices is Usui Reiki Ryoho, which is based off Mr. Stiene’s studies of Mikao Usui (founder of the system known as Reiki), and the ancient practices that influenced his teachings. 

Linda usually does not touch during sessions unless she feels led to do so and has permission from the client. This non-touching method is ideal for those who have experienced trauma,  and also for animals who may feel the energy too strongly when touched.

Please note: Animals usually prefer to receive Reiki in familiar settings, such as their home environment, so sessions can be done in-home or wherever comfortable, or even remotely (also called “distant Reiki”).  


What to Expect

Your Reiki wellness session is intended to provide energetic support for your mind/body/spirit, or in other words, on mental/physical/emotional levels. Each session is different because every individual, and every day, is different.  

When your appointment time arrives, we will take a few minutes to discuss why you wanted to have the session. After that, you will be asked to lie on the treatment table (or if you prefer to sit in a chair, that can be provided). We will set our mutual intention to share the energetic space, and you will set the general intention to receive whatever you need the most.  

The actual sharing of energy will usually flow until about 5 minutes before the scheduled end-time of the session. These final minutes are important for you to come back to an alert state, drink some water, and refresh.